
Case study : 213 online AGMs in 4 weeks

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In the spring, one of our clients had a major request for us. It involved a large number of webcasts; several hundred speakers and participants; and a particularly high level of security and confidentiality. Here are the details.

The mandate

Each year, this client (who wishes to remain anonymous) hold their annual general meetings (AGMs) in a ''LIVE on site'' format. However, given the exceptional circumstances of the past year, the most recent AGMs had to be held virtually for the very first time. This meant 213 online AGMs were held in only 4 weeks. Each meeting lasted between 1.5 and 2 hours, and included five or six speakers, all of whom were remote.

The most important part of this mandate? The security of the data of the organizers and participants as well as the satisfaction and comfort of all.

Our solution: flexible options and ongoing support

All 213 branches had the same objective, but not the same resources. In order to meet the needs of each of them while respecting their budgets, Digicast proposed three options:

  • Option 1: An audio only webcast with synchronized presentation and voting (e.g. PowerPoint, Keynote or other)
  • Option 2: A live webcast of their facility with synchronized presentation and voting
  • Option 3: A live webcast from professional studios in their area with synchronized presentation and voting

Each branches chose the option they preferred and planned an online AGM that corresponded to their own situation.

Secure voting

Regardless of the option chosen, all webcasts included a live question box for participants and our highly secure voting feature. This meant that participants could propose or second a motion and then proceed to a vote with a single click.

Priority to computer security

For our client, the challenge was not only logistical or event-related. It was first and foremost a question of cybersecurity. The information shared during the AGMs and the members' data are confidential and should obviously remain so.

Our expertise in IT security allows us to adapt our solutions to the specific needs of each mandate. We therefore integrated the connection to the webcasts directly into our client website using a custom application programming interface (API). Participants wishing to attend the events simply had to log in to their account. They were in a familiar environment and did not have to connect to another platform or download a third-party application. Not only was their security guaranteed, but their comfort was as well.

Live support

The Digicast team assisted all organizers in the planning and execution of their webcasts. Our experts were on hand every step of the way to ensure the satisfaction of the corporate team and the members attending the online AGMs. During the broadcasts, as usual, the technical team responded live, in French or English, to any request from the organizers, speakers or the audience.

Daily follow-up

To ensure the optimal progress of the 213 webcasts, several of our experts worked on the project, including Christophe, who was in charge of the experience projects. During these four weeks, he was entirely dedicated to this mandate. He was responsible for all the operations and requests of each client, a role he assumed in an efficient and rigorous manner. According to him, "the most positive aspect of all this is the teamwork! We were all listening and ready to act. Communication was paramount and everyone was aware of that."

To ensure effective communication and organization, Christophe set up daily follow-up meetings. These meetings ensured that each dissemination went smoothly and that the next steps were easily planned. Over the course of the project, it became clear that these meetings were essential.

10 questions to ask yourself before organizing an AGM

The Result of these Online AGMs

Everything went very well! Given the large number of webcasts and the amount of people involved, Christophe and the team expected to face some challenges along the way. In event planning, you have to be ready for anything and expect the unexpected.

Nothing of the sort happened, however. All events went off without a hitch! Collaboration and communication were key factors in bringing the project to fruition.

Unprecedented outcome

  • Between 14 and 16 webcasts per day from Monday to Thursday for 4 weeks
  • Over 375 hours of live streaming in 16 days
  • 48 of our experts involved in the project
  • Over 1400 speakers

The success of this mandate demonstrates Digicast's ability to offer solutions tailored to the specific needs of each event in terms of availability, security and customer service. There is no single solution for event webcasting. Flexibility, responsiveness and collaboration are key. The Digicast team has these qualities and more. We strive to provide each client with the personalized and efficient experience they deserve.

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